Sobre la relación Estado-Movimientos Sociales. La mirada “piquetera” en la Provincia del Chaco

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Cyntia Itatí Núñez


This article presents partial result of a research project that investigates about citizen participation and its impact in shaping emancipator process. Therefore, we define social organizations that are formed in space of participation, within which, because of the features that have, we suppose would be enabled reproductive or transformative practices. On this occasion, we want to reflect on the relationship between social movements – “piqueteros”– of the Chaco Province and the provincial government today. Then, we inquire what they are and how they are presented from the official social policies implemented for the care of impoverished areas. We are particularly interested in the perspective of organizations about the potential impact of current public policies and proposals that emerge from their perspectives.

It is pertinent also to clarify that the issue of participation appears as a transverse axis of the article, since this concept is used as a resource both in the official discourse and in the clusters. Thus, in the first place, we propose an overview of the emergence of “piqueteros” movement; in a second time, it provides a synthesis of policy measures dictated by the national government and implemented in the province; and thirdly, it offers a description of the movements in the region. Finally, we considered the proposals raised by social organizations.   


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How to Cite
Núñez, C. I. (2011). Sobre la relación Estado-Movimientos Sociales. La mirada “piquetera” en la Provincia del Chaco. Revista De Estudios Regionales Y Mercado De Trabajo, (7), 215–232. Retrieved from